Aspiring Publishing Professionals Obtain Modern Training at Centennial College
The publishing industry has many aspects in which professionals must be well versed. That's because, while traditionally this industry dealt with the distribution of printed works such as books and newspapers, it now includes electronic resources such as the electronic versions of books and periodicals, as well as micropublishing, websites, blogs, video game publishers and the like. As such, publishing professionals partake in various stages that, according to Wikipedia, include the development, acquisition, copy editing, graphic design, production - printing (and its electronic equivalents), and marketing and distribution of newspapers, magazines, books, literary works, musical works, software and other works dealing with information, including the electronic media.
While Centennial College's electronic, book and magazine publishing program (officially known as Publishing - Book, Magazine and Electronic), has been around for 39 years, it has kept up with these changes to ensure that students are receiving the most up-to-date knowledge. As such, the one-year accelerated format covers all facets of the publishing process including e-books.
Here are some of the courses in which students partake:Elements of Publishing Design: This overview course examines creative, prepress, and printing production processes normally used in the graphic arts industry that are applied to print projects, from initial concept to final printed product.
Applications of Publishing Design: A continuation of Elements of Publishing Design, this offering covers the application aspect of design. Students continue to use QuarkXpress 4.0 and Photoshop CS, learning intermediate to advanced techniques to implement and execute their design ideas in a variety of projects.
Book Editing/ Magazine Editing: Both of these courses focus on the roles of editors. For books, the role of the editor includes: acquisitions, list building, substantive editing, scheduling, and production. The mechanics of preparing indices, choosing illustrations, writing captions, preparing editor's notes, and acting as an inter-departmental liaison must also be understood. Meanwhile, magazine editors must be aware of the interplay of text, art, and advertising in the creation of an overall "style" for a particular publication. Throughout the course students examine the craft of polishing and shaping articles, writing titles and headlines, and uniting all of this content with the help of the art department.
Magazine Marketing/ Book Marketing and Sales: The magazine course uses lectures (by the instructor and guests who work in the magazine business), readings, class discussion and hands-on work to offer students a marketing overview and teach students to explore strategies and develop materials to meet various marketing challenges. In Book Marketing and Sales, meanwhile, students examine communicating and selling through role-playing exercises, case studies, class presentations, and individual and group projects.
This electronic, magazine and book publishing program is designed for students who previously completed a college diploma or university degree in any discipline as well as those with partial post-secondary education (minimum two years) and relevant work experience.