Business Management Goes International at Centennial College To Help Grads Work Globally
In order to thrive in today’s economy, businesses must have a grasp on global trade. An integral part of that trade is the professionals who help to facilitate it. Among the roles in this field are: foreign investment and risk analysts, foreign trade consultants, commercial bank officers, international marketing representatives and international development assistants. All of these people, in one way or another, come together to get goods moved from one country to another.
At Centennial College’s International Business Management program applicants with a three-year college diploma or university degree in any discipline as well as those who have a two-year college diploma or a partial university degree (75 per cent complete), and who have a minimum of two years work experience relevant to the program will be considered. It is worth noting that these applicants may also require proof of English proficiency. Whether applicants have an arts, humanities, technical or commerce background, the program curriculum design enables them to be at par with the latest theoretical and practical aspects of global business.
Because the program takes just two semesters to complete, its focus is strictly on covering topics that deal directly with the field that students will enter once they graduate. As such, it forgoes liberal studies. Instead, among the specific courses are: International Banking and Finance, International Business Law, Global Business Seminars, Comparative Geopolitical Systems, Global Business Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility and International Development, and more. There is an emphasis on international business, including international development, small to medium-sized international entrepreneurship, trade and investment, global logistics and transportation and global management.
These courses are presented in a proactive way that not only emphasizes the use of computer and Internet technology in performing international business functions but also extensively uses case studies, simulations and project-based learning, with a focus on developing project management, teamwork, report writing and communication and presentation skills.
The final semester of this International Business Management program is devoted to Experiential Learning, which allows students to experience the Canadian work environment and apply the skills they acquired during first and second semesters of learning. Students are assigned to an external host organization and must take instruction and direction from the employer regarding their tasks while at work. A faculty member monitors students throughout the work term.
While students are completely employable upon graduation, there is an option for those who wish to pursue further education. Through educational partnerships, students may apply their Centennial credits towards a Master’s degree with Davenport University, Griffith University and University of Western Sydney.