Business – Marketing Program Covers All Essential Areas of the Field
Are you debating between obtaining a business marketing degree or diploma? Centennial College’s Business – Marketing program may help to settle that debate with its combination of practical and theoretical courses that cover the range of knowledge students need to succeed in the field. Here are some specific highlights of the undertaking.
Topics: Because Centennial College’s program combines business and marketing, students get a great overview of both. To provide a foundation, courses cover business basics such as accounting, operations, organizational behavior and international business. A benefit of this foundation is that it contains common courses for most of the school’s business programs, which allows students to seamlessly transition should they choose to switch programs. Additionally, with this solid business base, students can confidently move onto marketing specific topics that encourage the mastery of a marketer’s key competencies — creative, practical decision-making and clear, persuasive communications. Among specific Marketing courses within the offering are: Practical Applications in Marketing, Principles of Marketing, Professional Selling and Marketing Communications.
Practical Experience: One of the aspects that set this offering apart from other Business Marketing Programs in Toronto is the amount of hands-on experience that students attain. For example, once students are introduced to marketing theory, they are able to employ case-based problem solving as well as marketing communications (which includes advertising and promotion) and professional selling practices. Other hands-on opportunities include incorporates case studies, guest lectures, presentations, projects and computer simulations and technologies. However, opportunities for practical application also go beyond the classroom, as Centennial is a proud sponsor of select Marketing students in national and province-wide academic competitions, including the Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition.
Affiliations: There is a host of internal and external affiliations enjoyed by this Marketing program. Firstly, all four semesters of Centennial’s two-year Marketing program are identical to the first four semesters of the school’s three-year, six-semester program. This permits graduates of two-year Marketing to benefit from a seamless transition into the three-year Marketing program, should they wish to gain a more in-depth perspective of the field. Secondly, qualified graduates may be eligible to participate in an articulated program with select universities, institutes and professional associations. These partnerships allow students to apply credits earned at Centennial towards further study at institutions such as Algoma, Athabasca, Davenport, Griffith, Royal Roads, Ryerson universities as well as University of Lethbridge, University of New Brunswick, University of Ontario Institute of Technology and University of Windsor.
Post-Graduate Possibilities: The diploma that students earn is recognized in Canada and abroad, as it reflects high standards of learning. As such, students are prepared for careers as sales representatives, customer service representatives, product consultants, merchandising assistants and merchandising supervisors. The career outlook for grads is excellent, as almost a third of all North Americans are employed in marketing-related positions.
Topics: Because Centennial College’s program combines business and marketing, students get a great overview of both. To provide a foundation, courses cover business basics such as accounting, operations, organizational behavior and international business. A benefit of this foundation is that it contains common courses for most of the school’s business programs, which allows students to seamlessly transition should they choose to switch programs. Additionally, with this solid business base, students can confidently move onto marketing specific topics that encourage the mastery of a marketer’s key competencies — creative, practical decision-making and clear, persuasive communications. Among specific Marketing courses within the offering are: Practical Applications in Marketing, Principles of Marketing, Professional Selling and Marketing Communications.
Practical Experience: One of the aspects that set this offering apart from other Business Marketing Programs in Toronto is the amount of hands-on experience that students attain. For example, once students are introduced to marketing theory, they are able to employ case-based problem solving as well as marketing communications (which includes advertising and promotion) and professional selling practices. Other hands-on opportunities include incorporates case studies, guest lectures, presentations, projects and computer simulations and technologies. However, opportunities for practical application also go beyond the classroom, as Centennial is a proud sponsor of select Marketing students in national and province-wide academic competitions, including the Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition.
Affiliations: There is a host of internal and external affiliations enjoyed by this Marketing program. Firstly, all four semesters of Centennial’s two-year Marketing program are identical to the first four semesters of the school’s three-year, six-semester program. This permits graduates of two-year Marketing to benefit from a seamless transition into the three-year Marketing program, should they wish to gain a more in-depth perspective of the field. Secondly, qualified graduates may be eligible to participate in an articulated program with select universities, institutes and professional associations. These partnerships allow students to apply credits earned at Centennial towards further study at institutions such as Algoma, Athabasca, Davenport, Griffith, Royal Roads, Ryerson universities as well as University of Lethbridge, University of New Brunswick, University of Ontario Institute of Technology and University of Windsor.
Post-Graduate Possibilities: The diploma that students earn is recognized in Canada and abroad, as it reflects high standards of learning. As such, students are prepared for careers as sales representatives, customer service representatives, product consultants, merchandising assistants and merchandising supervisors. The career outlook for grads is excellent, as almost a third of all North Americans are employed in marketing-related positions.