Construction and Maintenance - Electrical Engineering Technician Students Benefit From Real-World Experience
Did you know that construction and maintenance industries that consist of areas such as service, installation, repairs, sales and design hire graduates of Centennial College's Construction and Maintenance - Electrical Engineering Technician program?
As a construction and maintenance electrician this professional must have knowledge of electrical engineering sciences and skills, including electrical circuits, maintenance of electrical instruments or devices, operation of electrical motors and power transmission as used in the industry.
Centennial College's offering teaches students all of the skills they need through two years of training that includes a co-op work placement component. To ensure that students have a meaningful co-op experience, they work with the school's career services and co-operative education department. Thanks to Centennial College's reputable standing, students can complete their co-op placement with a wide variety of organizations in business and industry.
Before they head out on placement, students attend a wide range of courses that take a project approach to learning with simulating actual workplace assignments. Among these courses are:
Ethics in Technology and the Environment: Students analyze, question and resolve ethical dilemmas by developing a personal structure for ethical and moral decision-making. Class discussions include: privacy versus law enforcement, access to information, freedom of speech versus control of content, stem cell research and medical advances in the context of culture, global warming, green energies and sustainable technologies.
Electrical Code 1 & Prints 1: This two-part course first looks at the Canadian Electrical Code and teaches students to identify and interpret the general requirements of the CEC; identify and interpret the CEC requirements for conductor ampacity including free air, above and underground installations, grounding and bonding, wiring methods, and much more. Secondly, students learn to identify and interpret alpha-numerical lines; use the metric and imperial scales and be able to convert between them; obtain information from architectural, structural and mechanical drawings, specifications, building code and CEC to complete an electrical installation for a single dwelling; draw and label a panel schematic for a single dwelling; complete a material take-off for a single dwelling.
Electrical Theory 1: The fundamentals course looks at electrical basics from the atomic structure to series, parallel and combination dc circuits by applying Ohm's and Kirchhoff's Laws. It also covers basic principles of magnetism and general safety rules when working with electric equipment or circuits.
Installation Methods 1: This course examines a wide range of topics, among which are: operation of common hand and power tools; install common switching devices, outlets and enclosures; correctly terminate conductors; demonstrate the installation procedures for non-metallic sheathed cable, armoured cable, mineral insulated cable, rigid conduits, flexible conduits, light tight conduits, electrical metallic tubing, electrical non-metallic tubing following all appropriate Canadian Electrical Code rules; install a 100 amp residential consumer's service and associated branch circuits; layout a service mast installation; install door, signal and extra-low voltage lighting devices; identify and terminate copper communication and hard wired cables.