Enhancing the quality of life through community development programs
Canada has a diverse population with a growing number of individuals migrating to land filled with future opportunities. Its economy is changing as the demographics of the country changes. Leaders need to implement suitable programs to ensure the social and economic well-being of everyone residing in Canada. It does not take a politician or a huge business mogul to change the landscape and move towards the direction of prosperity and happiness. The field of community development is dedicated to enhancing lives of everyone in the community, through the improvement of the quality of life, may it be the employment rates, city infrastructures, or social justice. Community development programs create connections with individuals and the overall life of a community.
It is important to implement community development programs to assist newcomers and citizens alike to establish the best possible life, with services and facilities offered to assist their personal and work lives. Some examples of community development programs in Toronto are food projects that create and distribute sustainable sources, and green projects that engage people in planting trees and using renewable energy sources. A guiding light for young minds to get involved with such rich projects starts with the Community Development Work (1230) program at Toronto’s educational institution, Centennial College.
The two-year program consists of theory and academic learning on community development principles. It also involves a field placement where students can engage and plan a community development program on a real-life situation, possibly in an international setting. Students can assist in enhancing their communities through the learning outcomes from their courses :-
• Build a sustainable community development program, to help the community buy from local farmers and other manufacturers and to help lessen pollution with renewable resources
• Encourage community participation in programs that build a safe and resourceful community, by promoting awareness for specific campaigns and by asking the community to volunteer for social causes
• Research information regarding the current state of living in communities and developing action plans to promote healthy lifestyles, safe environments, and a progressive culture
Graduates of the Community Development Work program can expect to work in public, private, and non-profit sectors with positions related to community planning and community development programs. Different positions are available for program graduates including the following: Social Services Worker, Child and Youth Worker, Rehabilitation Worker, Aboriginal Outreach Worker, and Community Service Worker. Employment outlook is good for this area of studies with a majority of professionals earning median salaries.
With Canada’s ever-changing population, communities need to adapt to the needs these individuals. The community development program at Centennial College reaches to the population through the teachings on social and economic justice. Community Development Work program graduates are prepared to enter the workplace with knowledge of their community and bright ideas to incorporate at their place of employment.