Five Reasons Business Marketing Programs Are Beneficial
Professionals who have completed marketing programs are the connecting factor between companies and their customers. They are the ones who find out what customers want, what their needs are, how a company can best meet those needs and the most viable ways to price, distribute and package its products. To become a marketer, you need a Business Marketing degree or diploma. Centennial College’s Business Marketing Degree offers the latter in just two years. Here’s how.
A Balance: This Business Marketing program aims to offer students an overview of the field before specialization. As such, the focus is on general business courses with a few essential marketing topics covered as well. Among these specific Marketing topics are: Marketing Communications (covers applying media reports and marketing research information to the development of objectives and strategies for marketing management, advertising and more); Professional Selling (students learn pre-selling activities, techniques and procedures to use during the sales interaction and post sales activity); Principles of Marketing (overview of contemporary marketing, emphasizing the management of the product/service, price, promotion and distribution areas of an organization within a changing environment); and Practical Applications in Marketing (uses the case study method to help students acquire skills in analyzing and solving marketing problem).
Flexibility: The Business Marketing program offers students flexibility in a few ways. First and foremost, students can enter the program in the fall, winter or summer. Secondly, they may “fast-track” the offering by attending the four semesters one after the other. Thirdly, the Business Marketing program shares a common three-semester curriculum for most business programs, which allows students to obtain an overview of business prior to specializing in a specific area. Lastly, all four semesters of this Business Marketing program are identical to the first four semesters of Centennial’s six-semester program. As such, grads of the offering can transition into the three-year Marketing program, should they wish to continue with a more in-depth study of the field.
Practical Application: Because the Business Marketing program prides itself on offering theory and practice to its students, instructors look beyond lecturing. While instilling mastery of a marketer’s key competencies — creative, practical decision-making and clear, persuasive communications — they use case studies, guest lectures, presentations, projects and computer simulations and technologies.
Educational Partners: Some students use this Marketing program as a steppingstone to further education. As such, Centennial College ensures it has educational partnerships in place to help students achieve their goals. With this collaborative approach, qualified students may apply credits earned at Centennial towards further study at other institutions, such as: University of Windsor, Griffith University, Algoma University, University of New Brunswick, Athabasca University, Royal Roads University Ryerson University, University of Lethbridge and University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Post-Graduate Options: Once they complete their Business Marketing program, students are able to enter the industry in a range of careers such as product consultants, sales or customer service representatives, merchandising assistants or supervisors. Because marketing is an essential part of any company that sells goods, Business Marketing program grads may work for small and large businesses in sectors such as government, not-for-profit, financial services, electronics, food and beverage, and many others.
To apply for this business marketing programs, students are required to possess at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent or are 19 years of age or older. In addition they must have finished the English 12C or U and Math11C, M, or U or 12C or U credit or skills assessment, or equivalent.