Arts Program Covers Range of Topics

25/11/2013 10:24
Because it is designed to as a foundation Arts program, Centennial College’s General Arts and Science – Arts offering includes a very wide range of courses. These courses serve as a stepping-stone for students who don’t possess the academic admission credentials needed to enter a university program, would like to apply to a university arts degree program, aren’t sure college or university is the right choice for them, are undecided in their career goals and wish to explore various opportunities as well as those who plan to pursue an education in Child Studies, Communication Arts, Community Services or Hospitality and Tourism Administration.
After a year of in the program with at least a 3.0 GPA, students may proceed directly into the first year of a university program with which Centennial College has an education partnership, including: Ryerson University, York University, Athabasca University and Griffith University.
Here is a sample of some of the courses during the two-semester program that will help students to determine their next educational and career steps.
Twentieth Century History: This program course begins by looking at the growth of industrialization and the height of imperialism in the nineteenth century, the course traces the roots of the two great world wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War and the emergence of independent states in the post-World War II era. It then moves onto the post-Cold War era and the emergence of new conflicts based on ethnic and religious differences as opposed to political ideologies.
Math in the Digital Age: An example of the wide range of topics covered within this program, this course not only focuses on content, but also teaches students to develop the thinking process that underlies mathematics. Additionally, because the development of sophisticated yet easy to use calculators and computer programs is changing the role of procedure and technique in mathematics, students learn using this new technology.
Concepts in Social Science: Any program that is humanities-based has a social science aspect so this program course looks to help students develop their ability to think conceptually. It is called Concepts in Social Science because the ideas and theories it presents are drawn from the social sciences — mainly psychology, sociology and political science.
Concepts in Humanities: As with the Social Science course, this offering within the program looks to assist students in developing several articulate and informed concepts appropriate for observing, participating in and appraising work in the disciplines of the humanities — history, philosophy, poetry, myth, theatre, fine arts, architecture, music and film. Emphasis is placed on historical and cultural context and on fundamental themes and questions present in all art.
Logical Self-Defense: In this Arts program course, students learn to distinguish types of language, such as descriptive, explanation, and argument, to see how arguments are used to persuade and convince.
Arts colleges at Centennial College applicants are required to have already completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or mature student status (19 years of age). Additionally they must have completed the English Grade 12 (C or U) or equivalent, or skills assessment.