Arts Program Is Designed to a Launching Pad to Further Success

08/11/2012 16:32
Depending on your future goals and your current credentials, attending Centennial College’s General Arts and Science – Arts program may be beneficial for you. First and foremost, if you have an interest in social arts such as humanities, social and community studies, this program may be for you. Secondly, if you wish to attend specialized programs such as Child Studies, Communication Arts, Community Services or Hospitality and Tourism Administration but don’t possess the academic requirements needed to enter them, you should consider the General Arts colleges program. Thirdly, if you don’t possess the academic admission credentials needed to enter a university program, you would benefit from upgrading credentials through the Arts program. Lastly, if you’re undecided whether college or university is the right choice for you, you will find the on-campus experience offer you insight into how post-secondary programs are structured.
If you fit into one of the above categories, you may apply for the General Arts program. In order to do so, you are required to have completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or mature student status (19 years of age). Additionally, you are required to have the English Grade 12 (C or U) or equivalent, or skills assessment. Please note, possession of minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to this Arts program.
Taking just two semesters to complete, the Arts program covers a range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences, and allows student to obtain communications and learning skills. Among the specific courses by which these skills are taught are: Concepts in Humanities, Concepts in Social Science, Pathways to Academic Success, Principles of Sociology, Twentieth Century History, College Communications, Logical Self-Defense and more. “One of the things in which we take pride is that students leave here with a level of confidence that they didn’t arrive with, “says Michael Simons, a faculty member in the arts college program. “They leave knowing that in some cases, there’s far more possibilities for what they can achieve than what they first imagined when they got here.”
Additionally, the Arts program empowers students by allowing them to determine the length of the program — running from one to four semesters — depending on future goals. After one year of study, with at least a 3.0 GPA, students may proceed directly into the first year of a university arts program. Centennial College’s Arts program has articulated programs with selected universities, institutes and professional associations. These schools include: Athabasca University, Griffith University, Ryerson University and York University.