Becoming a Court Clerk in Canada

25/03/2014 10:26
The court clerks are trained officials who serve justices and attorneys, and perform a variety of tasks right from doing research on a case to preparing arguments in favour of or against it, attending hearings and preparing transcripts that serve as official records.
This is just one aspect of their job profile. The other aspect includes communicating with the parties involved in a case, and providing them with the required information whenever they need and explaining them various court procedures. They also answer their questions and resolve their queries regarding fines, court summons, trial dates, court appearances, outstanding warrants, and sentence and release documents.
The court clerks are also responsible for reviewing the law suits to ensure their accuracy and authenticity. They also examine the documents submitted to the court before, after or during case proceedings.
Employment Opportunities
Every year court clerks are hired by The Ministry of the Attorney General (Ontario Court of Justice, Ontario Superior Court of Justice), municipal courts, boards and tribunals, regional courts, court reporting services, official examiners and judges and attorneys to help review applications, research the cases and write their judicial opinions.
The courts, these days, regardless of the level they operate at, are facing a problem of back log. The increasing number of pending court cases has led to the increased need for professionals who can assist judges, attorneys and court personnel in expediting the process of delivering justice to the citizens.
The employment prospects are bright in this field. Despite this, getting a decent paying job remains a challenge. However, a formal court clerk training in Toronto can enhance the chances of seeking a good job and building a rewarding career in legal and professional environments. For more advanced career opportunities, the individuals may have to undergo higher education after gaining substantial experience working in courts and other professional settings.
But to enter the world of work, a post-secondary diploma in court support services is the minimum requirement. And hands-on-skills training further increases the likelihood of getting a decent paying job.
Court Support Services Programs in Toronto
Many colleges in Toronto offer post-secondary court support services programs in Toronto. However, prospective applicants are recommended to make a thorough research before enrolling into a course. This is because not all colleges provide them with the legal and practical hands-on learning in stimulated courtroom settings.
Centennial College's one-year program in court support services combines classroom learning and municipal court training in Toronto through attendances in the family, criminal, small claims and municipal court settings, attendances at various tribunal hearings and practical, career-oriented assignments. The program prepares students for the roles of court clerks, court monitors or court reporters.
The two-semester program lays emphasis on current issues in Canadian law, ethics and professional conduct, court monitoring and working on word processing applications. The program is taught by experienced faculty members who work within the court systems.
Admission Requirements
Interested students can send their applications online, by mail or in person along with application fee. They also need to submit their secondary school diploma certificate or equivalent, and scores of English Grade 12 C or University or equivalent. Students who do not meet this criterion will need to take English skills assessment by the college.