Build a Rewarding and Satisfying Career in Child Care in Canada with an ECE Program

23/01/2014 15:15
The first few years of a child’s life make an extremely sensitive period. This is the time when the foundation for their personality and physical health is laid. How they are treated and what they are taught play an important role in shaping their character and behavior.
Nursery schools, day care facilities and child care centres in Toronto have an active role to play in the formative years of children. They are responsible for observing the needs of each individual child creating a customized learning environment for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children.
Childcare Professionals
High standards of quality care can be provided only by experts who are sensitive to the needs of children and can develop responsive relationships with them. Graduates in early childhood education are the right people who can provide them with an enriched learning environment. They can develop and implementing individual programs and curriculum to meet the developmental needs of children.
The professionals have thorough understanding of child development and are capable of working closely with young children. They utilize a variety of observation techniques to understand specific needs of each child. They develop effective communications with children and take care of them within the framework of professional and ethical standards.
They understand that children are very sensitive and they should be treated with fairness and equality, regardless of what background they come from. Not only this, the child care professionals also make comprehensive reports related to the development of each child.
The professionals after completing a formal post-secondary diploma in early childhood studies can find employment with nursery schools, day care centres, drop-in centres, children and parent resource centres, kindergartens and shelters for women.
Early Childhood Programs in Canada
An ECE program in Canada is considered to be highly respected, so is the profession. It is a two-year full time program post secondary education that prepares students to provide quality care to infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children. They are taught to establish and maintain a healthy and safe environment for children, making them feel secured and comfortable.
The program aims to help students develop a thorough understanding of the healthy development of the whole child, health and well being of children, principles of child psychology, empowering children’s independence, understanding and communicating with children, understanding children with special needs and child abuse.
The program combines theoretical sessions, interaction with lab child care centres and field training with child care centres Toronto. This helps you in putting your classroom learning into practice and gain valuable contacts.
How to Enroll in an ECE Program?
You will need to submit your secondary school diploma certificate or equivalent and English Grade 12 C or University scores while filling the application for admission. Students currently attending high school can also apply for this course. Their grades will be automatically transferred to the college.
Child care is a highly respectable and responsible job. You may have to go through police screening and obtain an annual check. Additionally, you may also require providing valid first aid and CPR certificates and a clear medical report at the time of admission or anytime during the course.