Childrens Entertainment - Writing, Production and Management Education in Toronto

17/04/2014 15:08
Children's entertainment content was limited to just story books and cartoon shows on Television until the last decade. It have evolved to a great extent and has come a far way from just plain writing. A large number of fiction and non-fiction animated shows, pictures, dramas, TV serials, radio shows, documentaries, 3D films, and video games have made a significant place in children's entertainment industry.

The needs and interests of children have evolved and so the techniques of children's content production. Nowadays, storybooks are one of many means of entertainment. They have largely been replaced by audio-visual shows, and games in last few years. Although writing is the heart and soul of anything but its presentation has become equally important. It should create curiosity in children, as well as must stimulate their senses.

The Canadian children entertainment industry is also evolving at a rapid pace. And those who are already engaged in children's content production or those who are interested in building careers in this industry must upgrade their knowledge and skills to produce content that meets the expectations of the children of new generation.

Children's Entertainment: Writing, Production and Management Programs

Many struggling content writers and producers are looking for ways to upgrade their skills and learn new ways to sustain in the rapidly changing industry. In order to fill this skill gap, Centennial College Toronto has come up with a graduate certificate program in children's entertainment: writing production and management.

This three-semester children's writing program Toronto prepares graduates for careers as highly-skilled writers and producers. It helps them gain skills to successfully produce a wide range of entertainment products for children, such as films, books, education products, mobile and interactive media products and games.

The students of this program not only hone their writing and storytelling skills but also gain in-depth understanding of production management practices. They also develop strong business acumen and skills in pitching, project management, marketing entertainment products, and licensing and merchandising, which are important to survive in cut-throat competition. The program also incorporates an industry field placement, enabling students to gain hands-on experience in a real world setting.

Centennial College's program in children entertainment Toronto offers students a number of benefits that include:
  • Hands-on on-site professional software
  • Hands-on practical learning through industry field placement
  • Understanding of legal and regulatory aspects of children's media
  • Career-ready skills
  • Global job opportunities
  • Solid understanding of audience (children) psychology
  • Assistance in career launch and growth

Getting into a Children's Entertainment: Writing, Production and Management Program

Those interested in building careers in children's entertainment can send their completed applications to the college along with all supporting documents, including a college diploma or university degree program certificate and an updated resume.

Candidates with partial post-secondary education may also be considered for this course only if they have relevant work experience in this field. All applicants are required to complete a writing assessment, which serves as one of the deciding factors for admission.

Program graduates can seek employment as children's writers, project managers, marketing specialists, content managers, children's TV producers or children's multiplatform producers.