College Creates Real Fire to Spark Hands on Training for Future Firefighters

31/03/2014 14:19
Don't think that learning stops once college is over and you have a career. Professionals will tell you that you have to keep up with industry trends and issues. However, this one career path asks you keep up with training in order to meet the demands of the job. While these professionals need to stay up-to-date with new and revised procedures and advancement in technology, they also need to be physically ready. They are firefighters, and they need to be prepared to jump into action once an emergency call is placed.

In order to become a firefighter, individuals must go through a pre-firefighter program before entering the field. This can be found at Centennial College's Morningside campus, through the Pre-Service Firefighter Education and Training (1260) program. The one-year program is structured teach firefighter courses in Centennial College filled with knowledge about the practices in the profession and practice on how professionals react to different situations.

The series of courses will prove beneficial on the field. An introduction to the fire services will illuminate the roles and responsibilities of firefighters and discuss the knowledge, attitudes, and skills required for the job. Many people only associate firefighters to fire crises, but these professionals have plenty of work on other tasks related to medical and emergency services. In the introductory course, students will learn day-to-day activities, such as training and equipment maintenance. They will also learn about emergency protocols for rescue missions, even if fire is not involved. Additionally, firefighters educate the public on fire prevention and other fire-related topics. They also serve as teachers on courses, including First Aid and CPR.

The bulk of the curriculum focuses on hands-on training, which is crucial to this profession. The skills learned and experience gained will help towards breaking into the job market. Many fire departments and other fire services require firefighters to obtain a college diploma from an accredited program, but also want skilled and experienced workers. Centennial focuses on applied learning, where its lectures classes relate to job tasks, which many are practiced during lab simulations. Its curriculum is based on industry practices and specifications by the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC) and the Ontario Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM). Additionally, the classes are taught by experienced professionals in the field as Centennial partnered with the Toronto Fire Services.

After two semesters of academic learning, students have the opportunity to test their skills in a controlled environment. The Firefighter Pre-Graduate Experience trains students with basic firefighting skills. Centennial takes practical training up one level by adding live fire, which is contained in a simulated work space. Students can apply the knowledge gained from other courses, such as fire ground operations, rescue operations, and fire suppression, to this realistic field experience.

Student firefighters at Centennial can achieve the preparation required to start a career in the fire services after graduation. The firefighter program teaches a balance of academics and practical training, where students can reach their full potential and graduate with the right credentials for the profession. The simulated environment enabled students to have extensive training with fire, while being supervised by experienced faculty members. Graduates praised this program for preparing them for emergency and non-emergency situations in the fire service team.