Community Colleges Offer Strong Community Feel

13/05/2014 15:08

It is difficult to feel like anything more than a number in a class of 500 people. You are constantly jostling for your professors’ attention if you have questions and getting involved in group activities can be difficult simply because the sheer amount of people. Additionally, universities have an impersonal feel in regards to networking possibilities.


On the other hand, community colleges (as the name implies) offer a unique perspective on educating students. Because classes are limited to about 50 people, there is a lot more opportunity for classroom discussions, peer-to-peer interaction, networking and one-on-one time with instructors. These types of interactions alone are a major benefit. For example, at Centennial College, all instructors have years of experience in the field for which they prepare students. As such, students are not only learning from textbooks but also from discussions with their instructors, during which they may receive anecdotal advice that serves to enhance education. Meanwhile, classroom debates serve to extend topic knowledge as students may ask questions instructors did not think of covering. By having a classroom discussion, topics are covered in a more in-depth manner.


Another benefit to the "community" feel of colleges is that students get to obtain hands-on experience in exuberant environments that allow for personalized attention, which ensures they are getting the most out of the application. At Centennial College, all programs feature some form of hands-on aspect, among which are: case studies, projects, presentations, group work, role playing, practice in mock environments, assignments that mimic real world tasks, and more.


Community colleges are also known for lower tuition rates than universities. In Canada, university tuition (on average, per year) cost $6,348 in 2012-13 school year, according to CBC News. This was expected to climb to $7,437 in the 2016-17 school year. Meanwhile for college diploma programs, students pay $2,400. This is a huge difference for an equally respected education with many added benefits. Additionally, students can apply for grants to lessen the financial load even further.


Lastly, the community feel of colleges continues with life on campus. Centennial College, for example, understands that students are not defined solely by their academic success. As such, the college offers an array of activities to enhance students’ time and overall experiences at Centennial. As such, those who wish to meet new people may experience residence life or become part of the various student associations. Those interested in working out or sports can try out for a varsity team. There is always a selection of exciting gatherings occurring on campus that allows students to relax, unwind and enjoy their experience that much more.