Complete Biotechnology Technician Training In Two Years

07/12/2011 11:19
“The [Biotechnology Technician] program [at Centennial College] basically involves the study of microorganisms in detail as to the characteristics of the microorganisms, where they’re found, what they are, their names, their length and shape,” says a student named Mohammed. “The labs, for sure, are very exciting as it involves hands-on [practice]. For example, there are labs that involve staining of samples or streaking of streak plates. Stuff like that is interesting to me — where I can get in there and kind of get my hands dirty.”

Mohammed’s testimonial sums one of the biggest advantages of attending Centennial College’s Biotechnology Technician – Industrial Microbiology program: hands-on practice. This two-year undertaking, which results in an Ontario College Diploma, employs practical training in industrial microbiology as well as chemistry (analytical and organic) and biochemistry. Students attend courses that include lessons on appropriate safety procedures, biotechnology technician projects, and independently designed microbiology tasks that enhance problem solving and research skills. Specific courses in this biotechnology technician offering include: Chemistry, Occupational Health & Safety, Microcomputer Applications for Technology, Mathematics, Lab Instrumentation, Statistics for Applied Science, Food Microbiology, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and more. These courses are facilitated from the Centennial Science and Technology Centre campus, which offers students eight up-to-date laboratories and modern wireless lecture facilities.

In addition to thorough training and an exceptional facility, the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists nationally accredits this Biotechnology College program. In addition, the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists recognizes the Biotechnology Technician - Industrial Microbiology program as meeting all the academic requirements for certification in the Technician Category. These national accreditations support program quality and provide mobility for graduates.

To apply, students have completed at an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older. Also required is completion of compulsory English 12C or U or skills assessment, or equivalent and Math 11M or U or 12C or U or skills assessment, or equivalent. Students are placed in appropriate English level based on skills assessment results. Lastly, students who test at an advanced level may be accelerated directly into MATH-176 in semester 1 and MATH-186 in semester 2. Those taking MATH-140 will have the opportunity to complete MATH-186 between semesters 2 and 3.

Once students graduate, they become Biotechnology technicians (also known as bench technicians), and have the responsibility of assuring quality control in areas of manufacturing such as food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Specific duties of biotechnology technicians include: isolating, enumerating and identifying microorganisms from many types of samples (water, soil, air, your body, and food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products). In addition, biotechnology technicians handle materials and instruments such as pH and BOD meters, Gas Chromatographs, spectrophotometers (regular/IR/UV), HPLC’s etc. Lastly, they prepare microbiological media and reagents; culture pathogenic microbes; and design and perform their own microbiology experiments.

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