Degree Programs Offers Wide Range of Courses To Ensure Well-Rounded Education

23/04/2014 11:53

Spending four years of your life to obtain an undergraduate degree is a huge commitment. As such, choosing a post-secondary program that will see you obtain the degree is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Luckily, today, the options are broader than ever with colleges even offering respected four-year degrees.


These college-based Degree Programs come with their own set of benefits. The most obvious benefit is that students gain a Bachelor degree and gain plenty of hands-on experience as opposed to university programs, which tend to focus on theory.


At Centennial College, students can choose from four unique degree programs. Here is a look at some of their standout courses that include hands-on application.


Bachelor of Public Relations Management

  • Media Relations: Students examine how the communicator develops and fosters effective relations with the news media to achieve specific communications goals. Developing familiarity with media directories, creating targeted media lists, pitching stories to the media, monitoring media coverage, framing answers to questions from the media and designing special events to attract media attention are part of the course. Methods of instruction include interactive, team-based learning, case studies, lectures and guest speakers
  • Project Management: This course covers the concepts and basic functions of project management, the role of the project manager and the project management resources in developing and implementing a project. Learners develop a comprehensive project plan including the identification of measurable tasks, project scope, scheduling and budgeting. In addition, learners develop an understanding of the fundamental role of working with outside agencies/contractors as well as internal clients.


Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Computer and Communication Networks

  • Operating System Fundamentals: This introductory course outlines concepts that underlie modern operating systems. The fundamental concepts covered in this course are based on those found in existing commercial operating systems in particular Unix/ Linux, Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft XP.
  • Wireless Networks: The course introduces students to modern wireless technology and its application to transmit voice, data and images. Emphasis is on digital modulation techniques, their spectral characteristics and on various components, subsystems used in wireless system and their specifications. Theory classes are supplemented with labs to enhance practical knowledge in integrating, testing, commissioning and management of wireless networks.


Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Software Systems Design

  • Database Design and Modeling: This course teaches the students the core concepts related to relational databases, including the general architecture, conceptual, logical and physical design, querying techniques, and security features.
  • System Analysis and Design: This course examines best practices in business processes for a variety of business models. Critical risks and compensating controls are identified in each of the major operating cycles of the business. The principles of systems analysis and design are identified and applied to operations in the planning and analysis phases of the systems development life cycle. Process mapping techniques are developed through the use of commercial mapping software.


Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences - Bridging to Software Systems Design:

  • This program offers the same courses as the Software Systems Design offering but computer program/analyst graduates or software engineering graduates from Centennial or from a similar program from another college may be eligible to obtain this four-year Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences in Software System Design (SSD) in two years by joining in the fifth semester.