Distance Learning is a Convenient Way to Obtain a College Education

28/04/2014 14:56

Not being able to make it into a classroom because of your hectic schedule should not prevent you from obtaining a post-secondary education and launching the career of your dreams. Increasingly, post-secondary institutions are becoming aware that not all learners can make the time or have the money to travel to learn on-campus. With this awareness, they are offering an array of options that don't require students to physically attend any classes.


Distance Learning, as it is known, is actually quite an old concept. However, it has been revitalized to ensure that students are getting the most out of it in today's day and age. At Centennial College, this option is part of the School of Continuing Education. The School's offerings are suited for anyone who has either been away from schooling for any period of time; anyone who wants to advance his or her career but isn't able to attend on-campus classes due to scheduling conflicts or other responsibilities; those who wish to build on the education and experience that they have already been achieved, either in Canada or another country; or anyone who simply feels more comfortable studying independently than in a classroom. With over 1,300 courses and programs, Centennial College offers flexibility and choice.


Distance Learning at Centennial College is presented in two options. Both allow students to obtain a respected credential but differ greatly. The one aspect they do have in common is that students are required to attend an end-of-program exam at one of Centennial College's four locations. Each student is responsible to write his or her exam on the first Saturday following the course end date. It is each student's responsibility to book the correct exam date within the time constraints of his or her course. Students who fail to write their exam by the due date will receive a zero on their exam.


Online Classes:

  • Students have access to a 24-hour virtual classroom
  • They can practically study from anywhere that has Wi-Fi or the Internet
  • Professors can be contacted via e-mail
  • Interaction with peers occurs through online discussion boards and via email
  • Among the courses that students can complete online are Business Management – Sales, Financial Fraud Investigation, Medical Transcriptionist, Professional Writing, Retirement Communities Management and many others


Print-based correspondence:

  • Course materials are physically mailed to the student
  • Students interact with instructors over the phone or via email
  • All studying is completed independently
  • Should students require some help, a facilitator (tutor) is assigned to assist them with their assignments
  • A print-based course consists of lessons, written assignments, exams and the various tools for success
  • Courses that can be taken entire through print-based correspondence include: Business Management – Entrepreneurial, Business Management – International, Business Management – Marketing, Cosmetics by Correspondence, SmartServe, and Ophthalmic Medical Personnel