How to Build a Rewarding Career in Advertising and Marketing Communications Management?

25/06/2014 15:11
A formal education in advertising and marketing communications management opens doors to a range of careers in diverse fields, including media buying and planning, copywriting, direct marketing, account management, promotions, event marketing, production, promotions and digital/mobile marketing or promotions.

The discipline is exciting and rewarding yet challenging and demanding. It involves developing messages and campaigns for a variety of media platforms, including print, broadcast and electronic; reaching out to audiences and establishing a connection with them; presenting promotional material in a professional manner; selecting the right media platform for advertising and promotion; handling advertising issues; and managing key accounts.

The career prospects in this field are bright. However, it is expected to increase further in the coming years. It can be attributed to the emergence of new media platforms, advancement in computer technology and constant innovations in mobile technology which plays a significant role in today's 24/7 connected environment. Therefore, the current is the right time to build a career in this field.

In order to build careers in this field, individuals must possess critical skills, creative talent and strategic ability to generate new and exciting ideas, plan and develop effective campaigns on both traditional and modern media platforms, and tell persuasive stories to clients.

Centennial College's marketing and advertising communication program can help you develop the knowledge and skills required to seek employment in this field. It is a three-year post-secondary program that offers a unique blend of theory and practical. The program uses classroom teaching, presentations, workshops, industry visits, individual and team projects and industry field placement.

The marketing communication program covers a wide range of subjects, including Introduction to Agency Advertising, Advertising Campaign Presentation, and Foundations in Marketing, Tolls and Processes for Communicators, Consumer Psychology, Advertising Research, Integrated Marketing, Copywriting, Account Management, Imaging, Communications, Advertising Media Selection, Advertising Planning and Advertising Design and Production.

It also covers Radio and Television Advertising, Interactive Media and Print Production, Administration and Finance, Advertising Campaign Management, Advertising Issues, Advertising Business Writing, Digital Communications, Broadcast Buying and Measurement, Strategic Planning, Digital and Social Media and Portfolio Design.

Students will get an opportunity to put their learning into practice in the sixth semester through an industry field placement. It will help them gain hands-on experience in a real world scenario and understand the expectations of modern employers. They will also earn relevant industry contacts that can be used in future as references.

The advertising program Toronto graduates can choose to either pursue their careers or apply their academic rewards towards further study. They may be eligible to participate in an actuated program with selected universities, institutes and professional associations.

Program Eligibility

In order to apply for this program, the students will need:
  • Secondary school diploma or equivalent, or mature student status
  • English Grade 12 C or University, or equivalent. Students will need to take college's English Skills Assessment for Admission, in case they don't fulfill this requirement.
  • To attend a mandatory program admission session