Interactive Media Program Details and Admission Requirements

21/01/2014 16:51
Gaining skills in media development, digital content production, process management, practical coding and content structure analysis can set you on the path to the exciting, creative and dynamic career. With constantly evolving digital media landscape, there is a huge demand for professionals who can quickly adapt to the technological changes and make best use of the latest technology.
A postgraduate program in interactive media management offers several career options to individuals who have an inclination towards interactive technology, media and innovation. It prepares them for a career in interactive media development, content production and process management. The program lays a strong emphasis on strategy, user experience, processes, narrative and management, and documentation skills.
It all begins with understanding the interactive digital media industry. And upon completion of this program, the graduates demonstrate the ability to:
  • Write for interactive media
  • Manage interactive media projects
  • Run and manage interactive media businesses
  • Establish an interactive media business
  • Produce content for interactive media
  • Develop strategies for digital media
  • Design user experience
Who Should Enroll in an Interactive Media Program?
An interactive media program may be the right choice for individuals who
  • Are looking to build rewarding careers in various aspects of digital media
  • Want to upgrade their knowledge and skills for better career opportunities
  • Are already employed in this industry, but find it difficult to cope with the continuous technological changes
  • Are planning to establish their own interactive media business
The program helps them meet their specific career goals by exposing them to the industry and available career opportunities and completing their learning with an intensive industry field placement.
It is also the right choice for professionals who are already employed in this field. They can learn to be more effective in the ever-changing digital media landscape by upgrading their knowledge and skills.
Interactive Media Course Details
A postgraduate interactive media course in Centennial College runs for three semesters and covers a wide range of subjects, such as:
  • Interactive media design
  • Production tools
  • Experience design tools
  • Writing for interactive media
  • Interactive narrative
  • Video and sound for interactive media
  • Analytics
  • Studio mentorship
  • Interactive media business
  • Entrepreneurship
The program lays a strong emphasis on helping students acquire knowledge in emerging technology in interactive digital industry and develop skills for collaborative workplace, pitching and presentations and project management. It combines classroom learning, a senior project and an intensive industry field placement.
Enrollment Guide
In order to enroll into Centennial College’s interactive media management program, you will need to:
  • Submit college diploma or university degree in any discipline
  • Show relevant work experience ( for applicants with partial post secondary – minimum two years)
  • Submit a letter of interest to program coordinator
  • Attend a program admission session
Career Prospects
The graduates of this program can work as interactive producers, digital project managers, digital content producers, user experience designers and digital strategists.
The digital media industry is constantly evolving. It is expected to open doors to more exciting career opportunities for professionals in this field in the coming years. The jobs will be diverse and plenty. Having a formal education and training in digital media production and analysis can offer professionals better and more advanced career options.