International Business College Cultivates Big Ideas

01/06/2013 02:11

When an institution takes on an international business college approach, the ideas fostered are that of a global entrepreneurial nature. That’s exactly the case at the International Business College of Centennial College, which offers 30 different programs that range in length from one semester to three years.


While programs at this International Business College differ in focus, all students are encouraged to design and pursue their individual career paths. Additionally, all of the offerings ensure that students are ready for the field directly upon graduation thanks to a balance of college academic study that is relevant and offers cutting edge skills with optional co-op, internship terms and work placement programs. In order to achieve a level of respect in the industry, this International Business College also maintains close ties with the community, business organizations and alumni. This allows students of the school to network not only with organizations but also with the institution’s award-winning faculty, administrators and support staff who are ready to answer questions and share personal anecdotes.


This International Business College further fosters its global approach via an International Business Exchange. This is an opportunity that sees students study at one of Centennial’s partner colleges or universities around the world and receive full credit at Centennial for all successfully completed courses. To partake in this exchange, students pay the usual Canadian college tuition fees they’re accustomed to, rather than international tuition that’s usually much higher. Students also pay for their own airfare, books, accommodation and food, although qualifying students are eligible for Ontario Student Assistance (OSAP) funding. Centennial offers two $500 scholarships annually to encourage studying abroad.

But just what programs does this International Business College offer? First there are programs such as Business Administration, Court Support Services, Human Resources, Marketing, Business Operations and more that may not have a specific international approach but still foster global ideas. Then there are specific International Business College offerings that benefit students who want to work in a global business environment. Among these programs are: Global Business Management (graduates can confidently pursue entry level management/professional roles with international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and domestic businesses operating on a global scale); International Business (grads become Customs Compliance Analysts, Import/Export Documentation Specialist, Global Logistics Assistant and Inside Sales Representatives); or International Business Management (graduates are prepared to work as: Foreign Investment and Risk Analysts, Foreign Trade Consultants, Commercial Bank Officers, International Marketing Representatives and International Development Assistants).


Lastly, various universities through articulation agreements recognize many of this International Business College in Toronto programs. And many programs allow students to earn credits toward certifications, such as Certified General Accountants (CGA).