Jobs with Early Childhood Studies Diploma

09/05/2014 16:23
Jobs providing for the needs of infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-age children are not going to diminish in near future. In fact, there is a huge demand for qualified and experienced professionals who are able to provide an enriched learning environment to children. Most parents, who cannot be with their children during working hours, utilize the services of day care schools, drop-in centres, child care centres and nursery schools to take care of their children.

Studying Child Care in Canada

A diploma in early childhood studies is required to enter the world of work. Centennial College's two-year ECE course curriculum helps individuals gain an understanding of physical and psychological development of children and how environment plays a crucial role in developing their psyche. They also learn how to develop a safe and friendly environment that contributes to the healthy development of the whole child.

The primary aim of an early childhood education program is to develop sensitivity towards children and their needs and understanding the psyche of children with special needs. Individuals need to be reflective in their thoughts and must be able to utilize a variety of observation techniques to enhance work with children.

  • Program Content

The program covers a wide selection of subjects, including The Learning Environment, The Healthy Development of the Whole Child, Observable Child Development, Guidance and the Individual Child, Health and Wellbeing of Children, Empowering Children's Independence, Preschool and School Curriculum, Child Abuse and School-Age Specialized Field Practicum. It also incorporate industry field placement, allowing students put their classroom learning into practice.

The graduates of this program can choose to either pursue their careers or apply their credit rewards towards further studies at associated universities. An advanced course will help them seek better career opportunities.

  • Enrolment Guide

The ECE program is open for all the students who have completed their secondary education. Interested students may send their completed application forms to the college with all required supporting, including secondary school diploma certificate and scores of English Grade 12 C or University, or equivalent.

Careers with an ECE Diploma

Child care is one of the fastest growing areas of employment. An ECE course opens doors to numerous career opportunities for graduates in kindergartens, nursery schools, child care centres in Toronto, community service centres, and children and parent resource centres and shelters for women. Opportunities exist in both private and public sectors.

  • Teaching Positions

The graduates may consider assuming a teaching position in child care centres Toronto after course completion. This includes planning and implementing individual curriculums based on the specific needs of children. It also includes using observation techniques to enhance work with children, and developing and maintaining effective oral, written, non-verbal and electronic communications with children and their families. Job advancement depends on individual experience and qualifications.

  • Non-Teaching Jobs

Exciting opportunities exist in administration, and supervision. Individuals in these positions are responsible for establishing and maintaining safe and healthy environments, meeting the standards established by regulatory bodies. They are also responsible for maintaining continuous communication with parents and informing them about the developments of their children.