Learn Menu Management at Centennial College’s Hospitality Management Program

06/12/2011 11:15

“The students [of the hospitality management program at Centennial College] are in a real life working restaurant. We have functions, we serve lunch. Our students experience the work of a chef and of wait staff. They are industry ready after two years. They can work in restaurants, hotels, banquet halls, golf clubs, so there’s a wide variety of jobs available to our students,” says Jorge Roth a professor in the program.

Mr. Roth gives a great overall view of the program and how reliable it is in regards to preparing students for the food and beverage field, but let’s explore the benefits of attending Centennial College a little bit further. First, it should be noted that in order to apply for the Hospitality Management – Restaurant and Catering program, students must have completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older. Compulsory English 12C or U skills assessment, or equivalent is also required. Possession of minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the program.

Once they have been accepted, students obtain a combination of theory and practical training that is essential to this segment of the industry and includes Menu Management and design, kitchen management, beverage knowledge and bartending. In addition, a 15-week field placement is required for students of the Hospitality Management Program. This course provides two days per week of meaningful work experience in approved positions within the food and beverage industry, enabling students to better understand the dynamics of the industry, increase their knowledge of industry practices and obtain a competitive advantage of experience in the job market.

Meanwhile, during in-school sessions, as Mr. Roth mentioned, students practice in an on-campus student training restaurant, a hospitality management centre and lab practice facilities. These places see them encountering real life scenarios and customers. Courses in the hospitality management program included during the students’ time on campus include: Quantity Food Production (emphasis is placed on technique, terminology, creativity, correct use of equipment, recipe and measurement analysis, and safe handling and storage procedures); Food Production, Practical Supervision (students have an opportunity to be part of a team and supervisor of that team for a real food service operation); Dining Room Management (students examine how the dining room manager is responsible for establishing the standards of service, motivating, monitoring, recognizing and training staff and for providing the environment, equipment and tools necessary for them to be able to exceed customer’s expectations); and more.

With the Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC) anticipating that the food and beverage services sector will grow to employ 1.95 million people by 2015, now is a great time to get your career started.