Marketing Students Faces Real Business Problems

26/08/2013 12:09

The purpose of this article is highlight Centennial College’s Business Administration – Marketing (2403) program and to provide a glimpse of the career path in marketing.

The main core of every business is the customer, and marketing professionals help connect the business to its customers. This is where customer relationship management, marketing communications, and marketing research and analytics come to play. Marketers invite new customers and keep in touch with existing ones by knowing their habits and communicating messages that will take their interest. If you are still reading, this means that you are interested and may be the target audience for this article.

People often associate marketing with advertising and sales. While the two areas are linked to marketing, marketing involves anything that connects a business to its customers, including customer service, brand management, and public relations. You can be a creative person and design promotional posters or be the other type of creative individual to brainstorm ideas to solve product distribution issues. Perhaps, you are a more logical thinker who can efficiently manage budgets or formulate a plan. Wherever your strengths lie, a business marketing training is needed to stay competitive in the job market.

A business marketing program at Centennial College can give you the fundamental knowledge in business and more focus on several business functions as they relate to marketing. The Business Administration – Marketing program at Centennial College, located in Toronto, Canada, offers six semesters of business courses, which involve group projects, and assignments that reflect real life business situations. The case analysis course called Practical Applications in Marketing helps students build a framework when solving business problems. Group work is common at Centennial as this will help a student deal with different ideas from students of different backgrounds as the school is one of Canada’s diverse colleges.

Centennial College provides a stepping stone to further education which the school has partnered with several institutions to help transfer credits earned at the college. However, the Business Administration – Marketing program also ensures that students are capable of starting work upon graduation. In addition to the rigorous training in the classrooms, taught by industry experts and professionals, marketing students enjoy a two-day work placement each week during the final semester, intertwining with the other courses. The knowledge and practice from the earlier semesters will be applied to the on-the-job training. Students can get a taste of working in the marketing field before graduation, which will help in gaining hands-on experience and help them choose their specialty in marketing.

Jason the author here eloquently presents an outline Business marketing program. He focuses on how business marketing training in Toronto helps the students to understand the real-scenarios better.