Obtain a Media Education Foundation to Prepare for Further Success

04/04/2012 11:07

Do you have an interest in getting into fields such as advertising, journalism or broadcasting and film? Do you, however, lack the foundation or credentials needed to enter these offerings? Centennial College’s media education foundation program, officially known as Communications and Media Foundations, serves to provide a pathway for those who wish to pursue further postsecondary education in the school’s three-year Advertising, Broadcasting and Film and three-year Journalism programs. Upon successful completion of the one-year communication program, students will receive an automatic acceptance into program of choice.

Essentially, this program provides students with the basic communications and media knowledge, skills, terminology and English language development, and growth required to succeed in specialized programs and then in the respective fields. Students also examine issues of communicating in their role as global citizens.

Specifically, this media education foundation program teaches students to: create and maintain a forum in social media networks using rich media applications; apply theoretical principles to produce practical, focused written communications and media solutions; use appropriate vocabulary, terminology, basic numeracy and communicative strategies necessary in the communications and media environment; apply developed English language skills to a presentation portfolio; write and present in basic narrative formats for a variety of media platforms; examine one’s roles and responsibilities as a global citizen in personal and professional life; examine beliefs, values and behaviours that form individual and community identities and the basis for respectful relationships; and apply knowledge of communications and media workplaces, environments and practices to develop one’s job search strategies and early career success strategies.

Among the media education foundation courses are: Media Theory Workplace and Issues (introduces students to ideas and research that will help them understand the structure of Canada’s broadcasting industry and the issues and trends facing it. The course will cover topics pertaining to radio, television, newspapers, the film industry, and the Internet); Essential English Skills (designed to assist students in upgrading their language skills in reading, vocabulary acquisition, writing, speaking and listening to college level); Tools and Processes for Communicators (students are introduced to the School of Communications environment, and learn to use the many tools available to them in a systematic and intelligent way. They are made aware of the appropriate communications etiquette or code of conduct that is expected within the industry and beyond. Specifically, they will gain a thorough working knowledge of Macintosh OS X as it applies to the communications field); and more.

To apply for this communication program, students must have completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or mature applicant status (19 years or older). In addition, it should be noted that students must complete the Centennial College English skills assessment before registering for this program. A minimum score of 130 or 131 is required to begin the program.