Obtain a Solid Base in Pre-Health Program

28/02/2013 15:50
Sometimes we need a little bit of preparation and a base before we enter the program that will lead us to our dream career. If your dream career is in the medical field and you want a foundation, the Pre Health program at Centennial College may be for you. Designed as an academic pathway for students who wish to attend more specialized programs, it takes just two semesters to complete and results in an Ontario College Certificate.
More specifically, this Pre Health program is for students who: wish to consider college programs such as Practical Nursing, Pharmacy Technician and Transportation; are unsure that a science program at college is the right choice; do not have academic admission credentials needed to enter college-level science programs; have not finished high school or completed the science courses for post-secondary programs. Students who complete the Pre-Health program with acceptable academic standing may be eligible to transfer directly into Centennial’s Practical Nursing or Pharmacy Technician and Transportation programs.
But just how does the Pre Health programs in Centennial College ensure a solid foundation that will make students confident in taking the next step in their education? First and foremost, the offering covers a variety subjects, such as biology and chemistry as well as mathematics and communications. More specifically, students attend five courses in each semester and among these courses are: Pre-Anatomy and Physiology (aims to prepare students for Anatomy and Physiology by developing a strong foundation in anatomical terminologies and fundamental human physiology that is based on understanding and applications rather than memorization); Developmental Psychology (teaches students about the stages of human growth from birth to death by exploring human development in all stages from genetic transmissions of parents through prenatal development, infancy and childhood, maturity, late adulthood, and death); Biology (emphasis is placed on understanding biological mechanisms and processes, rather than on simple memorization); and more.
Secondly, the program is facilitated from Ashtonbee Campus, which is also home to other foundation programs and allows for peer-to-peer interaction. The location also houses a variety of resources to ensure that students get the most of their experience in the Pre Health program. Among these resources is a library staffed by experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can help students with their research and assignment needs. Staff also conduct library orientations and equipment demonstrations, and can assist students in using computer databases.
To apply for the Pre Health program, students must have completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or mature student status (19 years or older). Additionally, they must have completed the English Grade 12 C or U, or equivalent or take the Centennial College English Skills Assessment for Admission; and Mathematics Grade 11 or 12 C, M or U, or equivalent or take a Centennial College Math Skills Assessment for Admission. Midterm and final grades of applicants who are currently attending high school in Ontario will be transmitted automatically to the college.