Pre Health Program Is Precursor to Further Educational Success

21/05/2014 18:07
Have you completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or have mature student status (19 years or older)? Did you obtain your English Grade 12 C or U, or equivalent or are willing to take the Centennial College English Skills Assessment for Admission? Have you finished Mathematics Grade 11 or 12 C, M or U, or equivalent or are willing to take a Centennial College Math Skills Assessment for Admission? Additionally, does one of the following apply to you?

You have an interest in:
  • Attending programs that include Practical Nursing, Massage Therapy, Transportation and others;
  • Attending a science program at college level that will help you to achieve future career goal;
  • Obtaining the mandatory academic admission credentials needed to enter college-level science programs;
  • Completing science courses required for post-secondary programs and have not finished high school or completed science courses

If so, Centennial College's Pre Health program may be well suited for you. The purpose of this overview offering is to ensure that students have a solid foundation in topics associated with health fields such as the ones described above.

While other Pre Health programs may focus on one area, this offering is all encompassing and includes a range of courses that give students the know-how they need to successfully pursue further education. Here is a closer look at the topics that students study in this offering:

Computer For Health Care Professionals: Word processing, spreadsheets and presentation applications in a Windows-based operating system are all a part of this course. Students also develop skills related to basic research technique and APA reference format. To test their knowledge, students complete a final project that requires them to apply computer skills, research techniques and data analysis tools to prepare a properly referenced health-care related research report.

Pre-Anatomy and Physiology: This course's focus is on ensuring students have a strong foundation in anatomical terminologies and fundamental human physiology. Emphasis is on understanding and applications rather than memorization.

Developmental Psychology: The stages of human growth from conception to death; human development from a biological, psychological and sociocultural perspective are explored; research methods and major psychological theories underlying human development are all covered in this course.

Chemistry 1 and 2: Presented as two courses, the first gives students an overview by examining the role of chemistry in daily life and in the development of new technologies and products. The second, meanwhile, builds upon the concepts that form the basis of modern chemistry and applies them to the stoichiometry of chemical reactions. Students learn to solve problems involving stoichiometric relationships in balanced chemical equations.

Students who complete the Pre-Health science program and wish to continue their education at Centennial College may do so by seamlessly transferring to Practical Nursing, Massage Therapy, Transportation and other programs, granted that they have acceptable academic standing.