Pre health Programs Prepare Future Nurses and Pharmacy Technicians

26/08/2013 12:10

The purpose of this article is to show the possible career paths and benefits of the Pre-Health program at Centennial College.

Youth unemployment remains high and the mismatch of job seekers and positions ensues. Even with the growth of the aging baby boomer population, job creation feels stagnant as some boomers continue to work past their retirement years. However, a career in the health sciences is inevitably expanding as the biggest age group grows the need for medical care. If you are newly entering higher education or are thinking of having a career change, consider the in-demand jobs in the healthcare industry.

Numerous professions in medical administration, nursing, medical emergency service, pharmacy, and therapy need a strong foundation in English, science, and math courses. After obtaining credits from high school, further education in a pre-health science program can get you ahead before diving into a specialty area in the medical field. In addition, pre-health programs can act as a buffer between you and your career as you discover your fit in the science programs.

Pre-health programs commonly include an extension of biology and chemistry knowledge from high school and more in-depth studies in anatomy and physiology. General mathematics is needed for several healthcare programs so one or two math courses are usually in the curriculum for this one-year certificate course. All college programs require an English course since communication is extremely important at work and in life. Students in medical programs, in particular, will need strong comprehension of the medical terms, having English in the college level is a requirement. The list of courses seem daunting at first, but pre-health program in Toronto exists to help alleviate the stress of processing a bundle of information once you start your more specific program of study.

College admission requirements vary but obtaining a grade 12 English and grade 12 Math are usually required. It is also recommended to complete a biology and chemistry course in grade 12. However, for Second Career students and others in who did not graduate high school with the aforementioned courses can apply as a mature student, given that they are at least 19 years old, and each individual can be assessed.

The Developmental Psychology course is added to the pre-health’s curriculum at Centennial College to teach students the psychological theories of human development. In addition, a computer course catered for health care students is offered to help with the administrative tasks for any medical profession. Pre-Health (6815) is a two-semester program, providing flexibility with intakes in fall, winter, and summer start dates. A successful completion of the program enables students to transfer directly to Centennial’s Practical Nursing and Pharmacy Technician programs.

Klaudia, the writer of the article, writes about Pre-health program offered by Centennial College. She also elaborates various career options that one gets after completion of pre-health science program.