Students electrify in exciting engineering program
05/12/2013 16:18
Fuse your passion in science and math, with a career in engineering. One of the popular fields in engineering to date is in the electronics engineering sector, where various industries foresee an increase in need for electronics, based on their business activities. College graduates can leap into this exciting field by becoming a technician in electronics engineering. Career outlook on this field, according to Service Canada:
Quick entry to the field as a technician for graduates who hold an electronics engineering diploma from a community college.
One third of workers will be employed in the manufacturing industry; then computer and electronic product manufacturing; professional, scientific and technical services; and electric power generation, transmission and distribution. Other areas of employment involves wholesale trade, public administration, and architectural services.
A noteworthy program for its excellence in teaching standards and remarkable curriculum is the Electronics Engineering Technician (3205) from the School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science at Centennial College. The program will prepare a future electronics engineering technician in designing and implementing ideas as well as analyzing results in the field. Here are some key learning outcomes of the program:
To work with digital circuits through classroom theory and lab exercises using Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs). Then, students will learn about sequential logic, programmable logic architectures and semiconductor memory circuits.
Skills and knowledge in working with electric circuits, specifically with D.C. (direct current) and A.C. (alternate current) series and parallel resistive circuits. The lab component will give students hands-on experience in building alternating current circuits, using the following industry-accepted utensils: signal generators, capacitance, inductance, resistance, oscilloscope, digital multi-meter and volt-ohm meter.
Basics of computer hardware, configuring a Pentium 4-class “sandbox” computer and a general scope on local area networks (LANs)
Ability to comprehend technical data and to communicate results through reports and presentations, using a suite of computer applications
Using C++ programs, students will code and debug programs and apply the skills to analyze, design, and write codes for a case study.
Develop skills in operating the hardware and software components of a microcontroller in which the Motorola MC68HC11 will be experimented on during the lab portion of the class. Students will also learn about the programmable logic controller (PLC) and enable them to work on assignments on a real-time clock circuit, automatic conveyor-line circuit, and robotic arm circuit design.
Examine the electrical systems in communications with topics on signal and noise, AM and FM modulation, transmitters and receivers, radio-wave propagation, and antennas.
Maintain ethical business practices and learn the basic rudiments in electronic project management and quality control.
Graduates of this program can expect to work in different fields such as telecommunications, film and broadcasting, transportation, and technology. Companies who have hired Centennial College graduates includes: Celestica, Toronto Hydro, TTC, Bell Technical solutions, and Research in Motion. The combination of theory and practical lab components will ensure students of the electronics engineering program will hold the skills and experience in dealing with various electric components. This program is approved by the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT) and the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board (CTAB).