The Value of Education away from Campus

04/02/2014 14:25

Some of the learning experiences during college happen off site, and this is not only referring to field placements. Distance learning is becoming a prominent part of the Toronto education taught at Centennial College, where students can learn remotely in the comforts of their own home. Learners can access course materials and resources off campus, enabling them to live a rich life and schedule their studies around their personal and career lives.


Centennial College offers different formats of distance learning:

  • Print-based programs: Class handouts, instructions, textbooks, and other materials are delivered through the courier system. Students are invited to do the coursework anywhere and anytime once they receive their course packages.
  • Monthly courses: These classes are offered in monthly blocks, allowing students to have flexibility in their scheduling needs.
  • Online programs: Courses are 100% based online, with a virtual classroom where students can participate live or watch recorded lectures. Students can access their classroom anywhere with an Internet connection and proper hardware requirements.

From Food Service Worker to Office Bookkeeping, Centennial offers a wide number of diverse programs and courses. Students can choose to complete a diploma or certificate program away from school, or take part-time courses off-campus. The faculty members may not be seen but they are ever present in virtual classrooms, and phone and e-mail correspondence. The value of distance learning does not diminish from its on-campus counterpart.


Many students opt for distance learning courses, due to its flexibility. The same extensive work is ever present in the chapters covered from the same textbooks as the in-class course counterpart. If there is a big difference between in-class and off-campus learning, it is that off-campus learning may be harder for some students to maintain. With the freedom of choice in time and place spent in their studies, some students may not be disciplined to complete their work on time. Here are some tips on how you can get the most out of distance learning:

  • Establish a schedule: Although enrolling is off-campus courses can help you with your work schedules and other commitments, it is important to set time aside for your studies. Make sure to include time allotted for studying and homework completion.
  • Choose your own pace: The beauty of distance learning is that you are able to complete some of these courses in part-time mode. Use your time efficiently and learn the curriculum faster or slower, depending on your needs.
  • Have a study area: Since distance learning can be completed away from school, students can choose to work at home, in their offices, libraries, cafes, or anywhere they please. They can choose which work area optimizes their productivity and learning.

Centennial College caters to the needs of students across Toronto and beyond with its distance learning courses. The educational needs of learners are supported by the college's extensive curriculum, and dedicated faculty members, which makes learning away from campus an important part of their lives. Off-campus learning can be accomplished through different formats offered by Centennial and with a student's discipline in independent studies.

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