Occupation Therapy University or College Programs Provide Hands-on Experience
Attending an occupation therapy university or college programs offer students the know-how they need to work in hospitals, nursing homes, seniors’ residences, extended care facilities, schools, clinics, rehabilitation centres and the private industry with a broad client population consisting of infants, children, adults and the aged. One such offering is Centennial College’s Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant. As a result of two years of training, graduates are able to: communicate appropriately and effectively, through verbal, nonverbal, written and electronic means, with clients, their families, significant others, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and other healthcare providers; participate in the effective functioning of inter-professional healthcare teams; establish, develop, maintain and bring closure to client-centred, therapeutic relationships; document and complete client records in a thorough, objective, accurate and nonjudgmental manner; develop and implement strategies to maintain, improve and promote professional competence; perform effectively through the application of relevant knowledge of health sciences, psycho sociological sciences and health conditions; perform functions common to both physiotherapy and occupational therapy practices that contribute to the development, implementation and modification of intervention/treatment plans, under the supervision of and in collaboration with the occupational therapist and/or physiotherapist.
But what is it about this undertaking that makes it just as effective as an occupation therapy university-level offering? First and foremost, it is anchored by high academic standards, personal attention and the opportunity to develop skills in an environment equipped with a wide range of tools used in industry.
Secondly, the range of courses in which students partake allow them to master the skills needed to handle all of the above tasks. These courses include: Establishing Therapeutic Communication, Human Lifespan Development, Rehabilitation Practice, Conditions Impacting Function, Physiotherapy Skills – Therapeutic Modalities and more. Students also learn to respect and care for the uniqueness of individuals, effective communication, critical thinking and decision-making.
Before graduation, Occupation Therapy students apply what they learned to several work experiences in clinical settings, with a range of client populations as well as working alongside a preceptor and under the supervision of an occupational therapist or physiotherapist. Fieldwork placement requirements include CPR Level HCP (Health Care Provider) and standard first aid certification, a clear vulnerable police check prior to semester 2, immunization review form and completion of a mask fit test.
Applicants to this occupation therapy program are required to have completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older. In addition, they must have completed the Compulsory English 12C, or U or skills assessment, or equivalent and Biology 11C or U or equivalent. Possession of minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission into the occupation therapy training. Before application to this occupation therapy program, it should be noted that grads are required to tolerate regular physical activity during the course of their workday. It is recommended that applicants have a high level of fitness when entering the program.