Social Service Workers recognize individual needs and support communities
Social injustice is everywhere and our world is standing up to them gradually with more awareness and programs to assist individuals at risk or those experiencing social issues. A social service worker is present to help these individuals along the way, through their problems, and after as a way of defining their future. Centennial College offers the Social Service Worker (1203) program as a starting point to transform students into qualified professionals facing difficult circumstances while handling their personal facets intact.
The two-year, Ontario College Diploma program is available to high school and mature students at the Ashtonbee campus. However, due to the high demand and competitive nature of the program, students need to present Centennial with a flawless record of transcripts and/or experience to advance the minimum high school diploma and literacy requirements. Once enrolled, students can enjoy the valuable courses offered :-
- Power, Privilege and Oppression :- Students will learn about the structures in society and how people become marginalized, causing them to seek social assistance. The effects that the media portrays will also be covered.
- Community Development :- Theoretical and practical characteristics of community planning and organization will be studied to better form a community free of discrimination and injustice.
- Social Service Work & Pathways to Practice :- Industry trends and practice will be discovered on this course, allowing students to find their career path and learn more about their industry and profession as a Social Service Worker professional.
- Applied Social Research & Data Management :- The analysis of information is just as important as reporting it, and students will critically analyze the data from researched sources in relation to social issues.
- Fundamentals of Interviewing and Counselling :- Students will explore and apply different assessments such as problem-solving and crisis intervention methods.
- Developmental Psychology :- Since social service workers experience different issues from individuals with different psychological levels, this course will teach students the fundamentals of developmental psychology and how to apply it in counselling and other situations.
- Social Policy :- Students will learn about the Canadian government and its policies to response to the country's social problems.
There are more courses and learning outcomes that are added in Centennial's curriculum. In addition to the theory and classroom exercises, students are trained on site at a social service work placement during the course of two semesters. They will apply their knowledge and aptitude as student social workers into skills and experience on the hands-on training provided by agency and organization employers.
Social Service Worker program graduates can expect fulfilling career in the social service sector, working under different industries. Social Service Workers comprises of individuals who work in government, health sectors, social services, and health and social services firms as a support workers for various individuals. There will be different job titles, depending on the work environment, but some would include Child and Youth Worker, Aboriginal Outreach Worker, Addictions Worker, Mental Health Worker, Community Centre Coordinator, Disability Support Worker, and Community and Social Services Worker. The social service worker program at the Centennial College emphasizes on academic credentials and valuable experience to promote healthy lifestyles for the community at large.