Visual Design Fundamentals Helps to Propel Your Career

A sun setting over a beautiful tropical beach with purple and pink hues as well as swaying palm trees in the foreground is an image many would enjoy hanging in their living rooms. But, there is more to art than scenery, still life and portraits. Art is an essential component to any business or media campaign, visual presentation and more. If your interest lies in the artistic arena or if you’d like to become a studio artist, there is professional training that can give you a solid background to strengthen your natural abilities. Visual design fundamentals training at Centennial College program is designed for exactly that — to expand your creative and practical skills by providing a balance between traditional and digital art courses.

The program co-coordinator of the Art and Design Foundation Studies program says that he can tell a student is right for the undertaking by the special sparkle in his or her eye. If you think you have what it takes to expand your art knowledge, you can apply by presenting at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older. The other academic requirement is compulsory English 12C or U, or skills assessment or equivalent. However, possession of minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission.

While attending arts colleges can take a lot of time, Centennial College’s program is fast-faced and designed to be completed in two months. Having been established in 1974, the visual design fundamentals training is tried, tested and true. Whether you’re fresh out of high school or have been in a career and are looking for a change, there is something for anyone wanting to get ahead. “Enrolling in the Arts and Design Foundations program at Centennial College was the best gift I could have given myself,” says Carol Rooney, a 2009 program graduate. “I had worked as a professional photographer for many years and wanted to expand my art experiences and theory. This program gave me hands-on exposure to all forms and levels of visual art and there was step-by-step encouragement and support from the staff and faculty throughout.”

These art forms Carol speaks of include: drawing, digital imaging, animation and digital design, all which open doors to programs such as Digital Animation, Interactive Digital Media, and Game Design. In addition, you study a variety of traditional approaches in drawing that can lead to your acceptance in the Fine Arts Studio program.

Specific courses within the program include: Portfolio Development (Art and Design portfolios as a personal development and communication tool are introduced), Colour Studio (uses a workshop/studio approach to examine the practice and theory of colour as used by artists and designers), 3D Art and Design Studio (give students fundamental skills and understanding of practice and theory of visual expression using 3 dimensional media both in fine art and design), Drawing (introductory applied drawing course includes perspective drawing, illustration and basic rendering) and more.



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